Jan 19, 2011  A friend wants to play a Dragon based character in a SRD/Core game (no psionics either, new DM ) and asked me to help make a build for it. So far what I have been working on goes: Bard 5, Dragon Disciple 10, Bard 5. Pretty basic and is based around using the natural weapons of the DD. Dragon Disciple Bard 3.5 That's true; I will run it. All casting classes that lead to Dragon Disciple are Charisma based. Sorcerer, Bard, Magus (Eldritch Scion). Edit: Actually, to clarify because I'm not 100% sure if there are any others, you need to be able to spontaneously cast arcane spells. The above being the obvious choices.

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Table: The Dragon Disciple
1st+0+2+0+2Natural armor increase (+1)1
2nd+1+3+0+3Ability boost (Str +2), claws and bite1
3rd+2+3+1+3Breath weapon (2d8)0
4th+3+4+1+4Ability boost (Str +2), natural armor increase (+2)1
5th+3+4+1+4Blindsense 30 ft.1
6th+4+5+2+5Ability boost (Con +2)1
7th+5+5+2+5Breath weapon (4d8), natural armor increase (+3)0
8th+6+6+2+6Ability boost (Int +2)1
10th+7+7+3+7Blindsense 60 ft., dragon apotheosis0
Hit Die



To qualify to become a dragon disciple, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.


Any nondragon (cannot already be a half-dragon).


Knowledge (arcana) 8 ranks.




Ability to cast arcane spells without preparation.


The player chooses a dragon variety when taking the first level in this prestige class.

Class Skills

The dragon disciple’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int), and Spot (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level

2 + Int modifier.

Class Features

All of the following are Class Features of the dragon disciple prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency

Dragon disciples gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Bonus Spells

Dragon disciples gain bonus spells as they gain levels in this prestige class, as if from having a high ability score, as given on Table: The Dragon Disciple. A bonus spell can be added to any level of spells the disciple already has the ability to cast.


If a character has more than one spellcasting class, he must decide to which class he adds each bonus spell as it is gained. Once a bonus spell has been applied, it cannot be shifted.

Natural Armor Increase (Ex)

At 1st, 4th, and 7th level, a dragon disciple gains an increase to the character’s existing natural armor (if any), as indicated on Table: The Dragon Disciple (the numbers represent the total increase gained to that point). As his skin thickens, a dragon disciple takes on more and more of his progenitor’s physical aspect.

SizeBite DamageClaw Damage
Claws and Bite (Ex)

At 2nd level, a dragon disciple gains claw and bite attacks if he does not already have them. Use the values below or the disciple’s base claw and bite damage values, whichever are greater.

A dragon disciple is considered proficient with these attacks. When making a full attack, a dragon disciple uses his full base attack bonus with his bite attack but takes a -5 penalty on claw attacks. The Multiattack feat reduces this penalty to only -2.

Ability Boost (Ex)

As a dragon disciple gains levels in this prestige class, his ability scores increase as noted on Table: The Dragon Disciple.

These increases stack and are gained as if through level advancement.

Dragon Variety1Breath Weapon
  1. Other varieties of dragon disciple are possible, using other dragon varieties as ancestors.
BlackLine of acid
BlueLine of lightning
GreenCone of corrosive gas (acid)
RedCone of fire
WhiteCone of cold
BrassLine of fire
BronzeLine of lightning
CopperLine of acid
GoldCone of fire
SilverCone of cold
Breath Weapon (Su)

At 3rd level, a dragon disciple gains a minor breath weapon. The type and shape depend on the dragon variety whose heritage he enjoys (see below). Regardless of the ancestor, the breath weapon deals 2d8 points of damage of the appropriate energy type.

At 7th level, the damage increases to 4d8, and when a disciple attains dragon apotheosis at 10th level it reaches its full power at 6d8. Regardless of its strength, the breath weapon can be used only once per day. Use all the rules for dragon breath weapons except as specified here.

8 crit dmg how much maplestory free. Crit Dmg vs Boss Dmg. No crit dmg is op. 8% Crit Dmg is about 30% main stat. Boss dmg isn't as good in reboot. More posts from the Maplestory community.

The DC of the breath weapon is 10 + class level + Con modifier.

A line-shaped breath weapon is 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 60 feet long. A cone-shaped breath weapon is 30 feet long.

Blindsense (Ex)

At 5th level, the dragon disciple gains blindsense with a range of 30 feet. Using nonvisual senses the dragon disciple notices things it cannot see. He usually does not need to make Spot or Listen checks to notice and pinpoint the location of creatures within range of his blindsense ability, provided that he has line of effect to that creature.

Any opponent the dragon disciple cannot see still has total concealment against him, and the dragon disciple still has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that have concealment. Visibility still affects the movement of a creature with blindsense. A creature with blindsense is still denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class against attacks from creatures it cannot see. At 10th level, the range of this ability increases to 60 feet.

Wings (Ex)

At 9th level, a dragon disciple grows a set of draconic wings. He may now fly at a speed equal to his normal land speed, with average maneuverability.

Dragon Apotheosis

At 10th level, a dragon disciple takes on the half-dragontemplate. His breath weapon reaches full strength (as noted above), and he gains +4 to Strength and +2 to Charisma. His natural armor bonus increases to +4, and he acquires low-light vision, 60-foot darkvision, immunity to sleep and paralysis effects, and immunity to the energy type used by his breath weapon.

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  • 3Game Rule Components
  • 5Munchkin-Size Me


His name is Abe. He's a Dragon Disciple and he's not a gimp. For real, hear me out, it's actually a cool build. This is for core-only without using the three strongest classes (wiz, cleric, druid). It mechanically looks pretty mild, but in game is very strong. Some DM's won't allow some shenanigans, this one should work.

3.com5 Dmg Dragon Disciple


You will need:Player's Handbook 3.5DMG 3.5That's it!

Game Rule Components[edit]

This build is all about limiting sight. How? Mostly pyrotechnics(smoke). Makes life really hard for the baddies.


No particular items are especially necessary, get what you want.


Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments): 25 point buy system; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 9, Cha 15.If you have more points more strength would really help. You could reduce your cha if not going half-orc. We need to have 14 cha at level 6, other than that it doesn't matter.

https://luckyclothing.netlify.app/what-fractal-in-ff-mobius-gives-reflect-dmg.html. Race: Half-Orc

Level 1-2 = Barbarian. Rage and Uncanny dodge are very relevant.
Level 3-6 = Bard. 4 levels of bard loses only 1 Bab but grants level 2 spells *if* you have 14 Cha.
Level 7-16 = Dragon Disciple! I know, WTF is with that, right? Well, we need the spells/day DD gives, and the blind-sense. Don't really need all 10 levels of it, but 2 are really needed.


3.com5 Dmg Dragon Disciple Of God

Fighting when you can't see each other! You will need blind-fighting. Very few creatures can fight effectively in a cloud of smoke from pyrotechnics. You can. Tell your pals what your plan is, they can use area of effect spells or battlefield control spells to synergize, or wait for baddies to run out of the could of smoke and pick them off. Caster level is only 4, so the pyrotechnics will only last 4 rounds. The save DC vs. the chocking on the smoke is 14, which shouldn't be a problem for you. You have a 25% miss chance, they have a 50% miss chance. They lose Dex bonus to AC, you don't. You and they get -2 AC, you can power attack harder. Everyone moves at half speed, you have fast movement from barbarian.
Try it like this:
prep-round: if you anticipate combat before it happens, cast heroism
First round of combat: Move and access fire. Alch fire works, fire breath weapon works, toss a flaming javalin, whatever.
Second round of combat: cast pyrotechnics on the baddies and close with them. Note, there are no attacks of opportunity no one can see.
Third round of combat and beyond: Fight! Use listen to locate enemies until you have blind-sense. Unseen ground is difficult terrain, so can't charge. Use a composite longbow if you like. Falchion works.
Enemies be like: 'WTF is going on!' and run around confused, trying to get out of smoke. Some might fail fort save and be weakened by the smoke.

Red Dragon Disciple

Munchkin-Size Me[edit]

Dragon Disciple Build

After second level of DD, switch to other broken classes. Could do same thing with obscuring mist, but less flavor because less dragon.

DM Counters[edit]

Some enemies don't need to see you, just have line of effect to you. Enemies without a dex bonus to AC won't be affected by the smoke much. The smoke is better against a few enemies and tends to disorganize them. One BBEG may not care about smoke.

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Dragon Disciple Prestige Class

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