Level: Race: Class: Slot.
Padding silently through the dark forest, the lithe and stealthy ranger is at home. Long eschewing the company of men, she has turned her affections to the deep and wild wilderness, and she travels alone. Her time out away from the comfortable trappings of civilization has hardened her body and her spirit. It has also granted her the time and necessity to master a wide range of weapons. Despite her prowess on the battlefield, the Ranger is most comfortable hidden from view, felling her opponents from a distance with her mighty long bow. When cornered though, she fights as fiercely as a tigress with sword, dagger, mace, or whatever is at hand.The Ranger is Path of Exile's pure dexterity class, which befits her slim and graceful appearance. She is agile and fast, darting in and out of combat to deliver vicious critical strikes that often fell her enemies in a single blow. Her natural quickness grants her a profound ability to avoid damage, and she tends to garb herself in light leathers and cloth. She has tremendous proficiency with ranged weapons, but she is as lethal as any man on the battlefield with a sword.
Top#1 Queenliness Wanderfinder | Shaper down with a Lifesprig | Read the Guide YO
If you are having questions, please post them in this Thread, I'm getting way to many PM's and Ingame Whispers everyday. Also take the time and read the Guide carefully, it should offer all answers you are looking for.
-Everything Viable
-Reflect Safe (without Vinktar! But with Jade and Stibnite *duh!)
-Well Balanced if not perfectly in terms of DPS/Def./Speed
-Good League Starter (requires basic knowledge of generating currency fast)
-Level 100 Viable
-HC Viable
-Weak Single Target until you get the Key Item's
-Key Item's are expensive (Dying Sun, 6l Queen of the Forest)
-You need Dying sun and 6 Link as early as Possible
-Expensive towards the Endgame since you want T1 Life on every Item possible (+2 Barrage Enchant)
-Sometimes too fast
-Chromatic-Hungry ( Use the Jeweler Method for Coloring)
-Not Idiot/ Noob Proof
Build Links : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1764075
Top#2 NeverSink's INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide Beginner friendly Rapid clear Uber Atzir
If you have questions, please ask them here in this thread or on my Twitch stream. I'm NOT answering build-related questions in-game and rarely check PMs! I hope you understand. Also please don't sell and trade items here. Thank you.
High clear speed - High damage, moves fast, covers large area, crits like a boss!
Customizable - Skillgems/attack options and variations, several ascendancy options.
Fun to play - This build is fast, aggressive and scales well.
Great for new leagues - Dynamic, can focus on any goal and SSF viable
Scaling tree - You can start without any items, gear up smoothly and the power ceiling is incredibly high.
Affordable - Most best-in-slot unique items are very affordable. Rather easy to get decent gear!
Flexible - Can take on any content in the game.
Layered defenses - Several defensive mechanics.
Self-found gameplay - Uniques are beneficial, but not build-defining.
Only cares about 2 map mods - Reflect and No Leech
No mana problems most of the time.
Can run elemental or physical reflect maps, by swapping gems out
Sometimes it's hard to upgrade single pieces of equipment, without getting uncapped resists.
Likely needs to pick up a few +INT or +STR notables from the tree.
Reflect can hurt - but there are countermeasures
Potenitally low HP pool - Evasion and dodge is not too effective against high physical spikes.
Hardcore - You absolutely can play a HC version of that build, but you'll have to sacrifice some damage and utility.
Build Links : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1041989
Top#3 Ultimate EleBuzzsaw (Easily Clear All Content U-Lab/U-Atziri/Shaper etc)
When I look for 'Top Tier' in a build I have many requirements that must be met. I want a build that can clear ALL content (maps/shaper/lab/atziri + ubers etc). It must be FUN and ENGAGING, not cost an extraordinary amount of currency, and have the ability to be a league starter with the ability to do all content later on as you upgrade and invest into your character. On top of this it must have fast movement or move skills and not have to worry about any weird issues that ruin builds for me (such as running out of mana, dying in one hit, not lacking in single target capability, etc.)All in all finding a build that suits me and has all of these things can really be a tall order to fill. Luckily I have perfected my spectral throw ele buzzsaw build which fits me perfectly! Hope you all enjoy!
Very fun and engaging build to play
Spectral Throw MTX (buzzsaw or reaver) both look amazing! (Hope to get Lunaris boss from act 8 MTX at some point!!)
Very fast pace build
Incredible movement speed with whirling blades
One of the best AOE clears in the game hands down
Amazing Single Target capabilities as well
Vaal Haste + Vaal Haste take it yet another step further
Free frenzy charge generation via ascendancy class
Vaal pact + insane damage gives ridiculous amounts of leech
Can do almost all map mods (avoid no leech, ele reflect)
Able to do all content (all maps, uber atziri, all labs, shaper and guardians)
Phasing on your character makes him look badass
Nice defensive capabilities
Easy/Cheap to gear with room for lots of improvements as you get more currency
Ele Reflect maps are NOT plausible (Can do low/mid tier ele reflect maps with Yugul pantheon, even red map ele reflect not to bad. However finding a single rare with ele reflect in an already ele reflect map hurts like hell and will probably make you kill yourself before you even realize it.)
Can not leech maps are NOT possible
Can be moderately expensive to fully min/max for end game gear
All leech is ele dmg so any physical leech from tree/jewels/gear does not work
Build Links : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1839087
Top#4 3.0 Pathfinder Crit BV - Dedicated Uber Lab Farmer - 600%+ Movespeed - Gifs / Vids Inside
This build is specifically designed to farm the Endgame Uber Lab efficiently. This is not the fastest character and will not break any records. Please keep reading with the expectation of generating currency and not rank 1 jewels.
An undeniably efficient build that combines insane movement speed, excellent damage, up to 90% chance to evade, and up to 25% chance to block.
The build is one of the more annoying things to level with until you pass a certain gear threshold and have properly leveled gems. Getting the colors needed on most gear will be an absolute pain in the neck without having a fair amount of poe currency.
Build Links : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1930275
Top#5 Sidefx Frost Blades - FAST clear speed All CONTENT
This build focuses on high attack speed to unleash a series of chaining projectiles with 86% cold pen, high crit chance and amazing attack speed in a almost 360 radius around you , killing everything that dares come close.
The weapon range increases with each level of Frost Blades , so even if it is a melee skill , with good positioning , you will be out of harms way most of the times you`re in a fight.
It is a full Elemental build at 100% cold conversion , dealing no physical damage , therefore physical reflect mods will not affect you.
Clear speed wise , whilst not competing with Vaal Spark (dead) , it is faster than most builds out there and somewhat cheaper.
Just a 4-Link setup can get you up to T10 maps if you`re careful.
This is a Softcore build. If you want to play Hardcore , just make sure you pick more Life nodes rather than Damage nodes.
+ Perma freeze most mobs
+ High dps
+ good AoE
+ Super fast map clear
- Can be expensive, esp to min max
- glass cannon, You need to learn positioning 100% hit move hit move ect.
- can run into problems with single target (bosses)
Build Links : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1848749
Top#6 TheAmigoShotz! -Lifebased Windripper Raider! Insane Clearspeed + Deathless Shaper!
How do you generate powercharges? -You have three options. You can use Herald of ice, linked with Curse on Hit and Assassins Mark, however it does only work if you Don't have a elemental weakness curse on your corrupted gloves. You can also use Frenzy linked with Powerchage on crit. You will only have to use this skill once every 10 seconds do refresh charges. You can also use the expensive, but best option, which includes the Blue Dream jewel.
What's best? Raider or Inquisitor? -I'd highly recommend Raider, as it's much better to level with, and has alot higher clearspeed compared to the Inquisitor.
I cannot sustain my mana cost, what do i do? -You need to make sure you have grabbed the 0,4% hybrid life/mana leech node between Spirit Void and Vitality Void. While leveling you will likely still get mana problems, since the leech is based on your damage, and the damage isn't high enough while leveling. So a thing you can do is either to use elreon jewelry while leveling, or get a thiefs torment ring. It gives alot of mana on hit
Why do you take Raider instead of Inquisitor? -Since we get so much penetration, Raider is the optimal choice! -Inquisitor also have a problem, since it's in the left side of the skilltree, whereas ranger is to the right. Since we focus on added elemental damages, and need attack speed to get high damage, raider is the optimal choice!
A little lower clearspeed
Keep your frenzy charges in boss fights!
Free rarity and quantity from the windripper
Uber Lab farmer
Up to 64/40% dodge!
Can reach over 7k life with Kaoms!
Shaper Viable
Can be VERY expensive
Cannot do Reflect Maps
This build IS NOT a bosskiller, so Shaper, Guardians and Uber Atziri are very hard.
Vaal Pact means No regen
Build Links : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1319856

Top#7 Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
The purpose of this build is for those that don't like to party or do boss runs, although with the changes introduced in 2.2, it actually now functions reasonably for boss runs and can work decently in parties as long as you're willing to organize a culling setup for bosses and such. That said, this setup is designed specifically for solo map farming with good MF, life and res balance, combined with a relatively fast clear speed.
Earn 0.5ex/hr** without selling a DAMN THING. (See the FAQ)
Fast pack clear speed, solid boss kill speed (pending 3.0 boss changes?).
Runs any map mod
Extremely mobile
Cheap starting cost (buy any item level 64 5L bow for 5c, alt-spam for +2 bow gems) NOTE: +2 bow gems requires an Ilvl 64+ bow
Atziri capable (just remove Andvarius'. Or don't, if you're badass!)
HC viable with some adjustments.
Semi-Late Acrobatics - mid 50s.
It's evasion, so it's prone to physical burst damage if entropy hates you.
Not the fastest leveling, but it is better in 3.0.
Build Links : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1291803
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EverQuest 2 Better DPS Guide by Safanah
This guide is written to combine different aspects of how to maximize your DPS.
The information in this post is based on my experiences and most numbers are based on my gear, so it might differ from your numbers.
I will update this post in the future and add other aspects based on your feedback.
1. Achievements
Eq Ranger Leveling Bow Dmg Kit
Most of the achievements needed to maximize damage are easy to recognize but since people ask for them consistently I will list them here.There is nearly no room for alternatives – the few I have listed.Predator Tree:
Strength: 4-6-4-8-1
Agility: 4-6-4-8-1
Intelligence: 4-5-4-8
* There is always the discussion if perfection or intoxication is better: my opinion, get a spec for both.
When doing instances with many mob groups and mobs are dieing fast take perfectionist.
When fighting single mobs who are living at least 40 seconds take intoxication instead.
Ranger Tree:
Poisoning: Caustic Poison 5, Fettering Poison 4, Ancillary Poison 5, Conservation 1
Trapping: Snaring Shot 5
Focusing: Survival Instincts 3, Focus Aim 5, Honed Reflexes 5, Killing Instinct 5, Extension 1
Survival: Hawk Attack 5
Multishot: Searing Shot 5, Natural Selection 5, Triple Shot 5, Storm of Arrows 5, Double Arrow 1
Eq Ranger Leveling Bow Dmg Guide
* The remaining 5 points can be spent wherever you like, they are not DPS relevant.
Shadows Tree:
General: Bountiful Feast 5, Hearty Constitution 5
Scout: Quick strike 5, Sinister Strike 5, Evasive Maneuvers 1
Predator: Insidious Strike 5, Cut Arteries 5, Critical Mastery 5, Noxious Enfeeblement 1
Ranger: Focused Attacks 4, Leaping Shadows 5, Hidden Embers 5, Arrow Reclamation 5, Ranged Mastery 2, Explosive Arrow 2
* The 10 points in general line can be spent wherever you want, it is not directly DPS relevant.
2. Combat arts and casting order
This will be a bit more mathematical but I try to keep it simple.
When a combat art crits its damage range goes from max+1 to max*(1,3+crit mod).
I summed up the damage of combat arts that consist of multiple hits/ticks.
Based on the casting time (including recovery which is 0.5 seconds for a combat art) I have built a coefficient to determine the efficiency of each combat art.
This is based on the assumption that you have to do the maximum of damage in a given time. It does not consider the recast of the combat arts.
This is what you see in the last column called “DPS” below – the higher the value, the higher the priority to cast this combat art, when it is up.
As you can see Bloody Reminder is the best combat art to cast, but keep in mind that it only does its full damage when it lasts its whole duration. On fights with multiple mobs you might also consider using another cast order, since the damage from some combat arts is multiplied by how much enemies you are fighting (Fittest Survival, Shower of Arrows, Explosive Arrow).
You can see there is another column called “DPS” in that table.
This is the possible DPS in a 5 minute fight if you would cast every combat art immediately once it refreshes.
So this is basically the priority on longer fights, where the recast matters and where you can use all your combat arts.
* I have always used crits for those calculations, so this may differ because normally melee crit is much lower than ranged crit.
3. Autoattack and its stats
The bread and butter for a rangers (and all other scouts) DPS.
Crit hits are working the same as they do for combat arts, if you hit critically, your damage range goes from max+1 to max*(1,3+mod).
Aside from crit chance there are basically 4 other stats, that affect your autoattack damage:
Affects how fast you can swing your weapon or shot your bow.
It ranges from 0 to 200. If you have 0 haste your weapon delay will be the same as the examine window of your weapon shows.
If you have 200 haste you will attack 125% faster which means you divide your weapon delay by 2.25.
You will see the percentage value when you hover with your mouse over the number in your persona window.
This stat is on a dimishing return curve, which means the higher you get on that stat, the lower the benefit for every increase.
It kicks in at about 120 dps (~105% more damage) making every gain less effective than the gains before, but it still increases your damage.
Damage per Second (dps):
Affects how hard you hit with your weapon or your arrows.
It works the same way like haste does, you can have 0 dps and do the damage the weapon says or you have 200 dps and hit 125% harder – also multiply by 2.25. This stat is also on dimishing return curve.
Normally this stat is harder to raise for a ranger than haste.
Ranged Double Attack Chance (rda):
Affects how often you have the chance to land an additional autoattack hit with your bow.
This ranges from 0-100 and is not on a dimishing return curve.
Double attack damage is calculated the same way as a normal autoattack.
It also does not matter if your normal shot hits or not- it is just the chance to shot a second arrow.
Affects how much damage you do with your autoattack.
In my opinion this stat is totally overestimated and that is why I list it at last, just for completeness.
This stat is on dimishing return and even with 0 strength you do 60% of your maximum damage.
So even with 600 strength you are already doing 90% of your maximum damage and with 800 strengh you reach almost 95%.
So how to decide which stat you should raise and maybe drop a few points of another?
As I said earlier, the higher your haste and dps goes the less effective will additional gain be.
The following part will be a little more mathematically now, so you can skip it, when you dont bother with that number crunching.
Autoattack basically is calculated as follows (not involving crits):
damage = base damage * (1+haste%) * (1+dps%) * (1+rda%)
Lets take a simple example:
I just wondered if I should change an item with 10dps for an item with 6rda – my stats with the 10dps item are 74dps, 89haste, 44rda.
We only use this example for simplicity, but keep in mind:
Some stats are not static and change during fights because of shortbuffs and procs, so consider that when doing such calculations.
The damage multiplier would be: 1.84 * 1.72 * 1.44 = 4.56
while with the double attack item it would be: 1.84 * 1.64 * 1.50 = 4.53
As you can see I lost 0.08 dps and got 0.06 rda which was a little loss overall.
Concidering I have a proc which does 45dps this calculation will change:
with the 10dps item: 1.84 * 2.01 * 1.44 = 5.33
with the 6rda item: 1.84 * 1.96 * 1.50 = 5.41
You see the dps gain from that 10dps item got so marginal that the 6rda beat it.
Eq Ranger Leveling Bow Dmg 2017
If autoattack is such an important part of my DPS, how can I time it correctly?
Eq Ranger Leveling Bow Dmg Kit
This question has no general answer (yet) – there are different ways to do.
Some watch their toon and damage numbers above the mob to determine when their autoattack went off.
Others are using custom triggers on ACT or autoattack plugin.
Personally I am looking forward to finally get the great autoattack bar made by Razieh which currently only works on test server.