Below you will find a comprehensive list of new content, balance changes, and whatever else is included in the current PBE cycle! Be aware that these changes are extremely tentative, there is a possibility that things you see below will be changed or even reverted prior to the live patch. I just can't bring myself to buy bloodrazor when am practically doing like 15% extra damage to squishie targets after finishing it. Instead of building warrior or even BORK and gaining probably 30-40% damage vs champions by the time I finish it. And it just gets worse as the game progresses for champs that build it extremely underwhealming.

it seems like. at least to me. a lot of champions that build bloodrazor straight up just get the smite upgrade and opt in out of bloodrazor and buy titanic or triforce. or I've seen a lot of master yi's go full critical strike. Xin zhao now goes warrior. the only champion that is making use of bloodrazor is shyvanna and that is because of her double AA and also because she has innate tankiness. I don't see why would an item like the old devourer be a problem. especially since rageblade just doesn't work anymore. an item like devourer without the double hit would also be nice. some form of damage that scales well late game vs squishies and tanks. and magic damage was the answer in devourer. I just can't bring myself to buy bloodrazor when am practically doing like 15% extra damage to squishie targets after finishing it. instead of building warrior or even BORK and gaining probably 30-40% damage vs champions by the time I finish it. and it just gets worse as the game progresses for champs that build it extremely underwhealming item that cannot be buffed to a reasonable state vs squishies and tanks alike without being op. you know like Crit. you need a lot of flat damage to go through hp and armor. and as a consequence squishy targets die to 3 crits late

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Vi Jungle CRIT STRIKE Guide (OP OP) 9.15

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