How does bug buzz do so much dmg free

How Does Bug Buzz Do So Much Dmg Work

hello to everyone,
there is a huge dmg bug that reduces jax damage by 350% and prevents jax from functioning !!!
Bug : Leap strike stuns jax for 0.5 sec - 0.75 sec AFTER HE LANDS depending on distance traveled ( he is stunned playing the landing animation, no autoattack is done during this time), and makes him lose 2 autoattacks.
to make it simple : if jax DARES to initiate with leap strike.
1) Leap strike loses its atk power scaling, dealing 120 bonus dmg, because you lose 1 autoattack.
2) empower loses its atk power scaling, because you lose an extra autoattack.
total : you lose 2 autoattacks due to this bug = 1400 dmg endgame.
Battle scenarios:
1) W - Q : jax jumps on soraka bot from 600 range, dealing 600 dmg and getting stunned for 0.50 sec from the bug, soraka bot manages to run away.
2) auto - W - Q : jax goes to melee range, instantly autoattacks when he is close to her, w hers, Q hers, for 2100 damage, soraka bot instantly dies in 1hit.
Gear used : ie, 5 trinity force.
Now this is a huge damage nerf that sets the following rules :
1) if jax uses leap on you, he is gonna lose.
Real life Example : in hotshotgg video he had a fed jax with 3000 hp:
jax jumps on 5% hp brand, jax is on the air, full hp jax dies in 1 hit from brand combo before leap lands, brand survived taking 0 dmg, jax was instantly 1shotted due to the leap strike stun bug.
2) due to this bug : jax is no assasin, he cant distance close, because if he does he will die. This means that due to this bug jax has to waste flash to come to melee range, auto - w - Q.
Jax relies on autoattack, he has 2.5 attack speed, and his ult relies on getting autoattacks for it proc.
due to the bug jax ends as an AD SORAKA that has only Q leveled, only hers is stronger it deals 160 dmg instead of 120 and soraka's q doesnt stop autoattack.
this is the reason why you will end with 0/11 jax in your team instead of a 16/0 jax.
Fix this bug riot, until then dont initiate with leap strike else you feed.

How Does Bug Buzz Do So Much Dmg In Windows 7

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