I dont know if i am just too bad to carry, but league of legends cant be all about carrying the whole ****ing game yourself? why cant people learn to play before playing ranked? are most people like 'lvl 30 boost, yeah lets play ranked'?
i won 2 out of 10 seeding games, and i can say that i am currently in bronze V. of course i hate it, but i dont understand why bronze league is so full of these guys? i get the scores i talked about, in almost every ranked game. again, some of you might say 'yeah people calling people noobs are noobs' and stuff like that, but i did all i could. watch streams, watch videos, read posts about ranked and getting out of ELO hell, and i just cant seem to get out.
I am literally 5 bad teams, who cant speak english properly, cant stay together, cant see the logic in 1 diving - 1 hitting turret, can't see the good thing in playing 1.1.2.jungle, cant last hit, adc getting 0/10 (really, thats true, she even asked us about what to build), from uninstalling. Somebody help please, i am very frustrated about this. I hope you will take my post seriously, i tried to make it serious instead of 'why do ppl suck'. Thank You.
( do not misunderstand, i enjoy playing LoL, just not ranked, i think its too easy to achieve the right to play ranked, and that the ranked system is poorly arranged).
I`m getting tired off all people crying about this called 'elo hell' You say that evrybody are noobs, trolls and unskilled. I have played like 70 games and in only 1 left and with no really trolls.
the reason why I made this thread is to get people ro realisse that everything isn`t about just score, but nowadays it seems. Example: An and carry can get like stats 0/2/3 in middle game with low creps and low dmg. When we suddenly lose a teamfight people start accusing the 'worst' player, that it`s only her fault that we lost.
Okay that was bad explained, Another try. Allways, Alllwasy in every game people start crying and scream ' report that guy' beacuse u are loosing. People just don`t realise that the other team is better with better playes or team setup. It allways someones else fault and you can´t take your lose as a man. Of these 70 games I have only 2 games that were really a 'good game' People chatted without falming at all.
The point I am getting to : People just look at stats, they don´t think of explainations WHY her stats are bad, seriously how often do someone troll a game? I know there are bad people with no reason at all dying alot without caring, but if the player is doing his best don`t start to flame as a moron, it just makes the game more boring.
You know u will play with bad people so if u still play ranked, why join?
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Why Is Dmg Elo Hell 2017
Why Is Dmg Elo Hell 2017
Enhance your battlefield strategy for LOL (League of Legends) with champion build guides at EloHell. Learn and discuss effective strategy from LOL community and dominate the field to win. Lately however this is troubling, it was true in gold and below but for plat. People say elohell does not exist but it does, it does for me ever since i was in gold season 3-4, if you argue against please respond in the comments rather then downvote right away. TL:DR elo hell exists and i have proof and why, also i know my grammar is bad.