Apex Legends is currently dominating the battle royale scene with its unique mechanics and cast of eight characters, called Legends. With so many options, it can be difficult to decide which combination you and your friends would like to run.
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Each Legend has a unique move set that drastically alters how you will play the game. Knowing which Legends mesh together could be the difference between a great team and a mediocre one. Here are a few team combinations that are sure to bring you and your crew closer to victory.
Fog Squad (Caustic, Bangalore, Bloodhound)
This comp is great if you and your friends are interested in a more aggressive playstyle. The main synergy that this comp has is between Caustic and Bangalore. Caustic is a toxic trapper and his abilities reflect this in every way. His passive allows him to see enemies moving through his gas. His primary ability allows him to deploy up to six canisters that release gas when triggered. Then his ultimate deploys a massive nox gas grenade that blankets an entire area in poisonous gas.
Bangalore’s primary ability is Smoke Launcher. This allows her to launch a high velocity smoke canister that explodes into a wall of smoke on impact. Her ultimate is Rolling Thunder, a heavy artillery strike that slowly creeps across the landscape.
The idea behind this comp is that your squad will have the ability to blanket an entire area or room in smoke and gas, totally neutralizing your opponent’s visibility. This can be used to trap opponents and disorient them before attacking, or to throw off their tracks while escaping.
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So why the addition of Bloodhound? Through Bloodhound’s primary ability and ultimate he is able to see enemies in a way no other Legend can. If Bloodhound uses his ultimate, the Smoke/Gas combo will be little issue for him as his enemies will be highlighted in red. If none of your friends play Bloodhound, however, this team can also work with Lifeline. You’ll just have to play less aggressive and keep her tucked away.
Sustain Squad (Gibraltar, Lifeline, Bangalore)
Triple Take Dmg With Choke Cable
This squad is all about doing damage while staying alive. If you’re interested in a playstyle that puts a heavy focus on survival specifically, this one’s for you.
Lifeline is arguably the best Legend in the game. Her passive allows her to revive knocked down teammates faster while protected by a shield wall. She also uses healing items 25 percent faster. Her primary ability allows her to summon a healing drone that automatically heals those nearby over time. The heal is pretty substantial as well, and can bring an ally back from practically zero health to full.
Lifeline’s ultimate is care package. This calls in a drop full of high quality defensive gear. This can be things like high tier armor and phoenix kits. All of these defensive items will come in handy assisting your teammates, one of them being Gibraltar.

Gibraltar has a primary ability that allows him to deploy a dome of protection. This dome absorbs incoming damage for 15 seconds and is a great way to deploy fast cover on your squad when someone has the jump on you. His ultimate is a defensive bombardment that calls in a concentrated mortar strike on an area you mark with smoke. Combine this with team mate Bangalore’s own airstrike/smoke and sit back under a protective dome while you heal up as the heavens reign on your enemy.
Triple Take Dmg With Choke Lyrics
Surprise Squad (Bloodhound, Wraith, Mirage)
This squad is all about getting the jump on your opponent. Wraith, Bloodhound, and Mirage are all equipped with kits that compliment an assassin-like playstyle.
Triple Take Dmg With Choke Up Lyrics
Wraith and Bloodhound both have abilities that give them some sort of indication when enemies are near. Wraith will hear a voice and Bloodhound will see clues that he can ping and track. Wraith’s primary ability allows her to shift into the void and reposition quickly while avoiding all damage. Her Ultimate opens a portal between two locations that allies and enemies can travel through. Bloodhound also has a passive ability that allows him to scan an area for foes.
Triple Take Dmg With Choke Removal
Using Bloodhound and Wraith together can allow you to pounce on enemies before they even realize you’re in the area. So where does Mirage come in? Admittingly this slot can be rotated for pretty much anybody, but using Mirage adds an extra level of bamboozle to your attack.
Use Mirage’s primary ability to send in a clone as a distraction while Bloodhound and Wraith ready their sneak assault. Once Mirage has enemy aggro, he can use his ultimate Vanishing Act to deploy an entire team of decoys while he cloaks. Once Bloodhound and Wraith have engaged the enemy, he can then resurface and enact another surprise attack.
Many of the teams and strategies here can work with a Legend or two swapped out. Lifeline is so powerful she can be an asset to pretty much any strategy. Characters like Wraith and Bloodhound who fulfill similar goals in different ways can also be used interchangeably, but that isn’t to say one won’t have an edge over the other in certain situations.
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The best way to go about deciding which team composition you and your friends should invest time into is by figuring out which characters you all enjoy the most. After you identify which characters you enjoy, think about synergies these characters have, like the synergies we’ve discussed here. If you and your friends use a combination of characters who at least mesh somewhat well together, odds are you’ll eventually start performing better and be on your way to victory.